Friday, January 23, 2009


Thanks everyone for coming last Friday. That show was incredible. Brainworms, Little Lung, and Ultra Dolphins killed it.

We're no longer playing the 29th. The show got moved to the 22nd of February for those still interested in seeing the other bands, but we won't be playing.

We're due to record a rough demo sometime next week with my buddy Chris. Then we're going to over analyze the shit out of our songs, change them up, and tie up the loose ends, or untie them...whichever will happen. Then we're going to record a demo to distribute and shall have copies to give people when we play our next show (early March).

Monday, January 5, 2009

More music

January 5th at Nara Sushi with This Black Box, Fine Lines, and My Heart to Joy
Starts at 9pm

Although, I do have a feeling that it starts at 10pm as the last one did. I'm not sure of the order yet.

Also, we'll be playing the 29th @ Rumors Boutique w/Tereu Tereu, Sean Walsh & the National Reserve, and the Vermillions. Starts at 8pm. Donations!